BD908 Transistor Pinout, Equivalents, Uses, Features, How to use it, Safe operating guidelines and More
Today we are going to discuss about BD908 PNP transistor available in TO-220 package. In this post you will find BD908 transistor pinout, equivalents, uses, features, how to use it, safe operating guidelines and more.
Absolute Maximum Ratings:
- Package Type: TO-220
- Transistor Type: PNP
- Max Collector Current(IC): –15A
- Max Collector-Emitter Voltage (VCEO): –60V
- Max Collector-Base Voltage is (VCBO): -60V
- Max Emitter-Base Voltage (VEBO): –5V
- Max Base Current (IB): –5A
- Max Collector Power Dissipation (Pc): 90W
- Minimum & Maximum DC Current Gain (hFE): 40
- Max Storage & Operating temperature Should Be: -65°C to 150°C
NPN Complementary:
NPN Complementary of BD908 is BD907
Replacement and Equivalent:
BD912, BDT84, BD910, BDT62, BDT54, BDS15
BD908 Transistor Explained / Description:
BD908 is a PNP transistor of BD9xx series which also contains other transistors such as BD906, BD910 and BD912. All the transistor of the series are designed to be used in general purpose switching and amplifier applications. There are also NPN complimentary transistors of the series which are BD905, BC907, BD909, and BD911.
All the transistors of the series can be used alternatively as BD908 but in some applications that requires above 45V you cannot use BD906 because it has low collector-emitter and voltage then BD908 but if you are using it in low voltage circuits for example under 36V then you can easily use BD906 as a replacement.
Looking at the absolute maximum ratings of the transistor the collector-emitter voltage of the transistor is -60V, collector current is -15A, collector-base voltage is -60V, base current is -5A, emitter-base voltage is -5V, maximum power dissipation is 90W and maximum storage and operating temperature is -65°C to 150°C.
BD908 can be used in wide variety of applications such as amplifier circuits, power circuits, charger circuits etc. The detailed list of its applications can be found below.
Where We Can Use it & How to Use:
The transistor can be used in Audio amplifiers, different types of switching circuits, driver circuits, small charger circuits, etc. the detailed list of its applications can be found below.
Using procedure of the transistor is same as you use any other BJT transistor for switching and amplifier purposes.
Audio Amplifier Circuits
Battery Charger Circuits
Solar Circuits
Microphone Circuits
Automotive Circuits
Motor Driver Circuits
Darlington Pairs
Audio Amplifier Stages
Switching Loads under 2A
Safe Operating Guidelines:
Here are some safe operating guidelines for the transistor.
- Do not drive the transistor to its absolute maximum ratings and always stay at least 20% below from these ratings.
- So according to this 20% rule, we only use 80% of the total value so the maximum collector current of the transistor is 2A but we will only use 1.6A.
- The maximum collector-emitter voltage is 20 but again in this case also we will not drive load of more than 16V.
- Always check pinout before placing it in your circuit or replacing this transistor with another similar one.
- The maximum storage and operating temperature of the transistor should not exceed from these values -55°C to 150°C.
To download the datasheet just copy and paste the below link in your browser.