BC172 Transistor Pinout, Applications, Equivalents, Features, Safe operating guidelines and More
BC172 is an NPN transistor of BC17x series. In this post we will understand BC172 transistor pinout, applications, equivalents, features,...
BC172 is an NPN transistor of BC17x series. In this post we will understand BC172 transistor pinout, applications, equivalents, features,...
BD907 is a TO-220 package NPN transistor, in this post we are going to understand BD907 transistor pinout, equivalents, features,...
This post contains all about BC141 transistor such as its pinout, equivalents, applications, features, safe operating guidelines and more. ...
2N4037 is a metal case transistor available in TO-39 package. This post covers all the important information about this component...
BC171 is a NPN BJT available in TO-92 package. This post contains information about BC171 transistor pinout, applications, equivalent, features...
BC638 is another member of BC63X series of high current TO-92 package transistors. In this article we will understand BC638...
MJE15031 is a PNP transistor available in TO-220 package. This post covers MJE15031 transistor pinout, applications, equivalent, features and other...
2N5322 is a 10 Watt PNP transistor available in TO-39 package. In this post you will find 2N5322 transistor pinout,...
MJE15030 is a TO-220 package NPN transistor designed to be used in audio amplifier driver circuits. In this post we...
Today we are going to discuss about 2N5320 transistor pinout, features, applications, equivalents, safe operating guidelines and other useful info....